Oaks & Sunshine
~ June 7, 2024
The month of June is off and growing here at the nursery! In the field we have crews split between pruning, staking, weeding, and watering. Despite a wet and early start to the Spring, the weather this season has been beautiful so far! The main focus of our pruning these past few weeks has been Oaks. We started by un-staking 2nd & 3rd year trees, letting them “flop” around a bit, pruning the tops to reduce canopy weight, re-staking as needed. Because of these extra steps, Oaks take the most time of any genus we grow. Here is a link to some videos & posts from previous seasons about our Oak pruning process:
Our Oak blocks currently look AMAZING! We couldn’t be happier with the crops we have coming on for the next few seasons. Here are a few video clips of our staking machine in action over the last few years. Becky’s Dad built this custom staking add-on to our tractor. It has staked thousands of trees over the years for us and works perfectly for what we need!
For more videos throughout the season, check out our Instagram page @springgrovenursery
Besides working on Oaks, we have been busy pruning and staking in other tree blocks as well, like Maples, Honeylocust, Crabapples, Baldcypress, and Elms. Eventually every tree in the nursery will get some special attention. And since it is June, the “Juneberries” (AKA serviceberries) are ripe & delicious! We have enjoyed snacking on them while out and about in the nursery. We have already made some yummy serviceberry crisp and jam! These tasty treats made us wonder about the history of Serviceberries. Here is a fascinating blog post Maggie put together about this important tree in our landscape: The History of Serviceberry Trees
In between field work & serviceberry snacking, we are loading and shipping out trees daily. We have over 1000 trees available for planting projects, and they all look healthy and fresh – ready to plant & grow! Check out our SGN Photo Gallery for some updated pics of trees in our above ground SGN Sales Yard:
The first day of summer is quickly approaching, and we are looking forward to the longer days and slower pace that summer brings to the nursery. Summer is a beautiful time to visit the nursery. The crops for this fall and next spring are starting to take shape, so it’s a perfect time to think about the next planting season and lock in some beauties from our field. We welcome you to visit us anytime this summer!
Here are a few images from around the farm this past month:

All Pruned Up & Ready to Grow!

Glorious Catalpas

Catalpa Blooms

Catalpa Blooms

Ripe Serviceberries

Northern Catalpas Taking Shape for Next Year

Maples Filling Out Nicely for 2025

Colorful Crabapples

Fresh Green Oak Leaves

Glossy Green Oaks

Beacon Oaks

Kindred Spirit Oak Silvery Underside to Leaves

Young Regal Prince Taking Shape

American Dream Oak Foliage

Oaks Done with Staking

Oaks Done with Staking

Taking Oaks Off Stakes to Let Them “Flop”

Re-staking Oaks as Needed

Oaks Done with Staking

Oaks Done with Staking

Canopy Work in Oaks

Flexing & Pruning to Lighten Canopies & Build Strength

Streetspire Oaks

Glossy American Dream Oak

Chon & Juan Pruning Oaks

Ivory Silk Japanese Tree Lilac Blooms

Fresh Foliage on Greenspire Linden

Snowdance Japanese Tree Lilac Blooms

Soybean Cover Crop

SGN Turtle Crossing

SGN Oak Pruning & Staking

Scarlet Letter Oak Foliage

American Dream Oak New Growth

Beacon Oaks – Quercus bicolor ‘Bonnie & Mike’

Swamp White Oak New Growth

Bright Green Tulip Tree Leaves

Fresh Baldcypress Foliage

Serviceberry Fruits Perfectly Ripe
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