*** LAST UPDATE 3-28-25 ***
At Spring Grove Nursery, we grow healthy trees, deep roots, and strong communities. We specialize in growing a collection of healthy specimen trees for Landscape Contractors, Municipalities, Park Districts, Independent Garden Centers, Horticulturalists, and Landscape Architects. We also welcome Land Owners and Retail customers and pride ourselves on supplying our region with quality, locally-grown trees.
On our farm, we grow large balled & burlapped specimen trees. We dig them at a trunk caliper range of 2.0”-4.0” in diameter, ranging in height from 6’-20’ depending on the species & size. For more about how to buy our SGN Trees, click here:
We currently grow over 150 different varieties of trees on 100 acres in North Central Illinois. You can learn more About our Farm and How we Grow our SGN Trees in the About section of our website. We invite you to learn About our Team and visit us at the nursery anytime!
Check out the Tree Resources section of our blog for useful and interesting information about trees. We curated some helpful lists like our SGN Tried & True Selections, New & Noteworthy Trees, and Parkway Picks. We also share valuable information about the ideal tree ordering timelines and resources about the Benefits of Trees.
For pictures and information about the trees we grow, visit our SGN Photo Galleries or use the View All Trees feature on the website. We have compiled Tree Data Sheets on everything we grow to help aid in the tree selection process. Visit our online gallery here:
For a print or digital version of our SGN Trees, check out our SGN Wholesale Catalog. If you would like to be added onto our mailing list to receive a print version, please reach out to us here: Contact Us