~ September 12, 2023
As the end of summer draws near, we start to move into “fall mode” at the nursery. It’s been a busy summer at the nursery, and we have certainly savored those long summer days and sunshine. Here are some updates on what’s been going on lately on the farm:
Outside of the farm, we have been enjoying late summer in the woods and in the city! Here are a couple articles about some of out adventures with trees:
And last BUT NOT LEAST… we have a new acorn on our family tree! WELCOME BENJI!!!
So lots of great things happening at the nursery and in our family this past month! We invite you to come join us in the trees anytime. This is a PERFECT time to visit and make your tree plans for this fall and next spring.
Here are a few more pics from around the farm. Enjoy!

Sweetgum looking SWEET!

Pyramidal Hornbeams shaping up

Gorgeous Baldcypress

Planting grass filter strips

Full Moon on the Farm

Planting evergreens

Fern enjoying the pollinator boxes

Rainbows & Trees

Hanging with Grandpa

Inventory Season

Our Unpaid Insect Control!

Planting a Heritage Oak for Benji

Welcome Benjamin Douglas Harper!

Picking Pawpaws

Picking Pawpaws

Our SGN Crew did an excellent job planting these!

Our crew getting the new trees mulched in
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