What goes in to an SGN Tree at Spring Grove Nursery?
More than you think! Follow the story below to learn more about how we create the perfect SGN Tree here at the nursery:
Planting SGN Trees
Through research, experience, and evaluations we are always looking for the best tree species to plant in the nursery. Our long standing relationships in the industry help us stay on top of the latest plant developments. Some of the nurseries we work with on our starting liner stock are J. Frank Schmidt Nursery, Bailey Nurseries, Robinson Nursery, Kuenzi Turf & Nursery, Evergreen Nursery, and Countryside Nursery.
On planting day, we monitor closely the root structure and planting depth of the trees as they are planted. Proper root structure, root flare, and planting depth are essential to the ability of a tree to thrive later in the landscape. We pay close attention to these details early on so that our customers can rest assured the trees we deliver will stand the test of time. Jamie always says, “The most important day in a tree’s life is the day we plant it in our nursery.” At Spring Grove Nursery we take tree planting seriously, and all other nursery operations are put on hold while planting. It is truly a team effort that gets 100% focus of all our crews.

Growing SGN Trees
After planting season wraps up, we begin crafting our trees with respect to their natural beauty. As we have mentioned, growing is as much an art as it is a science. Pruning requires a keen eye and prudent timing to ensure a well-structured habit. Depending on the tree species, some of our trees get a personal “touch” over 70 times in our nursery during their 3-10 year growing phase.
Part of our vision at Spring Grove Nursery is to maintain a level of quality and control over what we grow – eyes to the acre as we like to call it. By keeping our nursery a manageable size, we can give each tree the attention it deserves. In addition to pruning, we retain a consulting service to regularly inspect our stock for pests & diseases. We are licensed by the Illinois Department of Agriculture and committed to growing healthy trees for our customers.

Harvesting SGN Trees
We harvest our trees at a target caliper of 2”-4”. Our trees are machine dug with a Red Boss Tree Spade and placed in treated burlap and a wire basket. Digging seasons take place in the spring and fall when the trees are dormant. On a good day, we can dig 150-200 trees a day with a crew of 5. Extra care is given to protect the trunk and branches while loading and shipping our trees to our customers. After the trees are dug, we stage them for delivery or put them into our seasonal holding yard on drip irrigation for delivery throughout the summer.

Our Selections
Plant diversity is not a trend at our nursery – it’s the only responsible way to add value and sustainability to the landscape. At Spring Grove Nursery, we seek to offer our region a diverse and hardy selection of trees. Through careful observation of the natural landscape and continuing education within the industry, we plant and grow varieties that contribute to our landscape yet thrive in our urban conditions.
Spring Grove Nursery is proud to grow plant releases from the National Arboretum in Washington D.C. such as ‘Sun Valley’ Red Maple as well as several selections from the Chicagoland Grows® program such as State Street® Maple, Crescendo Sugar Maple, Exclamation! London Planetree, Accolade™ Elm, and Triumph™ Elm. We are proud members of the Morton Arboretum, which offers a wealth of information to the public about plant selection and hardiness. By keeping current with promising new varieties, we can contribute to a landscape that is rich in diversity.
Some of our favorite trees as growers have earned our “Tried & True” designation. For the full list of our SGN Trees check out our SGN Diversity Selections. For both of those lists click here: