We offer convenient delivery service to your holding yard or job site at a reasonable price. Our trucks are always ready to bring small or large loads where they need to be in a timely manner. Please call Jamie for a delivery quote & schedule.
Because our nursery is a family operation, we can load your truck anytime you need. Weather permitting; we load around the clock 7 days a week if needed, to get our customers their trees when they need them. Please bring your own tarp and call ahead to allow us time to have your trees staged and ready to load. All loading takes place at our nursery location 106 E. Spring Rd., Mazon, IL
Loading Hours: Mon-Fri 7am-3:30 pm, Sat by Appt.
Holding Yard:
During the season, our holding yard is stocked with a diverse selection of trees ready to load or deliver to our customers. We use drip irrigation to maintain adequate moisture and keep our trees looking fresh. Our holding yard is located at the northeast corner of IL Route 47 & Spring Rd. for convenient pick-up anytime. Please call ahead to pick-up or tag your trees. Our Holding Yard is located at 106 E. Spring Rd., Mazon, IL
At Spring Grove Nursery, we look forward to getting our customers just the right trees. Tagging is always available in our fields. Please call ahead to schedule a tagging appointment, and Jamie or Becky will be happy to help you find what you are looking for. Trained as a Landscape Architect and Certified Arborist, your Growers have a keen eye and ability to tag for you with a particular habit or style needed for your project.
Tagging/Tour Hours: Mon-Sat by Appointment